Sunday, 26 April 2015

Catching Up on Blogging for April

Looks like I'm going to have to give myself a more structured blogging schedule, or I get distracted and fall behind. We're already nearly all the way through April without a blog post, and that's ridiculous. I have been working on a few things, just moving on to something else before I get around to blogging about them.

This month, I've been poking around in thrift shops, looking for homewares that I can dress up with a bit of paint. For some reason I started looking at interior design blogs and I've become a little obsessed with shelves covered in pretty things. Now I want to make colour coordinated covers for all of my books and fill my shelves with fun, quirky objects. I've also been trying to clear away things I don't want or need anymore, so I can easily find the things I do need, like certain art supplies, or a free bit of desk to sit at and draw.

I've also decided that I want to extend my reference library. The internet is invaluable when you're looking for some inspiration about what to draw, but there's something to be said about just sitting down with a book filled with photographs to find something too. I've been looking for a good reference book for different types of flowers for a while. So far "Dig Deeper" by Meredith Kirton is looking like a good option for me. I also bought "The Encyclopedia of the Horse" while I was thrift shopping, and I'm so excited that I found it. 

My goal now is to post a new blog post at least once a week, preferably on Monday. I'd like to say more about what I'm up to at any given time, so I can look back on this blog in future as a little time capsule. It would be nice to have reminders of little moments that might otherwise be forgotten.

I'll probably come back to actually add pictures to this post later, but for now, I'm feeling creative. Go make some art.

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